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Mark Aiello Completed the ICLE Elder Law Certificate Program

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Mark Aiello Completed the ICLE Elder Law Certificate Program
If there were only one word to describe Mark Aiello and his contributions to our efforts here at Aiello Law Group, it would be “excellent.” In addition to maintaining an unquestionably clear passion for helping older clients navigate the most challenging times in their lives for more than 20 years, attorney Mark Aiello is a proud member of the ElderCounsel, boasts an extraordinarily rare 90% success rate retrieving Social Security benefits, and alone has recovered millions of dollars for our loyal clients over the years. And as if that weren’t enough, he’s also recognized as “one of the top disability attorneys in Michigan” by his colleagues of the National Advocates Top 100. Most recently, however, he has gone above and beyond to outdo himself once again. To further hone his skills and reevaluate his own understandings of elder law to guarantee the satisfaction of his current and future clients, Mark Aiello has completed the highly respected ICLE Elder Law Certificate Program!

What Is The ICLE Elder Law Certificate Program?

The ICLE Elder Law Certificate Program is an extensive elder law training course comprised of 49 different, incredible online lessons carefully collaborated on by “more than 40 elder law experts” as a resource for clarifying legal ambiguities and inspiring confidence and sound judgment in attorneys across the country. Total completion of the program takes approximately 60 hours, and unlocks the lessons to use as an invaluable reference in the future.

Benefits Of The Program

Even seasoned legal professionals need to stay sharp, which is why the ICLE Elder Law Certificate Program allows attorneys to practice foundational skills in every critical area of elder law, as well as apply what they’ve learned in various credible scenarios. As a result, attorneys are able to essentially gain “real-world” experience and compare their results and information to that of recognized experts to ensure total comprehension. Attorneys even learn how to utilize various tools to bolster their success!

What The Program Entails

The ICLE Elder Law Certificate Program is comprehensive, highlighting the important “core competencies” attorneys need to understand to be effective in satisfying their clients. Early lessons tend to focus first on capacity, establishing client relationships, and undue influence to maintain professional environments. Meanwhile, each subsequent lesson focuses on handling different, more specific aspects of running a successful practice, incapacity planning, long-term care, government benefits, elder abuse, guardianships and conservatorships, and more to ensure each clients’ continuous well-being.

What This Means For You

As a person who will one day need a competent elder law attorney, or who perhaps already does, Mark Aiello’s hard work in completing the ICLE Elder Law Certificate Program should instill great confidence in you. It means no matter what you might need help with, or what your circumstance are, now or in the future, you can always feel secure knowing you’re in good hands so long as you trust Aiello Law Group! Call us, today, at 313.964.4900 or fill out the form in the sidebar or on our contact page, and learn more about how we can help you.