While it is no longer possible to be awarded disability benefits for suffering from drug or alcohol addiction, the Social Security Administration does still recognize the very real correlation between disabilities and substance abuse. There are, however, some important things to remember about the specifics of attempting to pursue benefits while struggling with drugs or alcohol, which is why our esteemed Social Security disability attorneys at Aiello Law Group have taken the time to list them clearly below.
Disability & Addiction
The first is that you cannot under any circumstances qualify for disability benefits if the disability or disabilities you are applying for were a direct result of drug or alcohol abuse or addiction. You will also not be approved for disability benefits if there is any evidence whatsoever that substance abuse in any form is capable of or responsible for worsening your condition. If, of course, you have a qualifying disability or condition that is not related to substance abuse, even if you have ever struggled, or are currently struggling, with drugs or alcohol, you may be granted disability benefits. You will, however, be subject to the same stringent guidelines for disability as all other applicants, meaning you will need to have substantial medical records to verify your condition and prove that it’s terminal, or likely to endure for at least one year.
Road To Recovery
Being in recovery for your addiction or substance abuse is a fantastic decision all on its own, but it also makes a great impression when trying to apply for disability benefits. This means, if you’re in recovery, you will absolutely want to mention this to your Social Security disability attorneys as soon as your case is accepted so both they and your treatment staff can immediately start working together to guarantee you have all the evidence you need verify your claims and ensure a seamless application process.
Have more questions pertaining to disability claims and the use, abuse, or addiction to drug or alcohol? Interested in pursuing a claim but worried your substance struggles might hold you back? Don’t be shy! Our Social Security disability attorneys at Aiello Law Group have almost 150 years of worth of collective experience handling every possible type of disability claim, including those involving claimants who’ve battled with drugs or alcohol in every capacity. Here, we aim only to offer you the most accurate legal information, and provide the most comprehensive support, to help you overcome the many challenges associated with your disability. Call us, today, at 313.964.4900 or fill out the form in the sidebar or on our contact page, and learn more about how we can help you.