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Average Workers’ Comp Settlement Amount in Michigan For 2020

Average Workers’ Comp Settlement Amount in Michigan For 2020

Claiming workers’ compensation in any scenario can be tricky. Even with the best attorneys by your side, like our workers’ compensation attorneys at Aiello Law Group, you will face bias medical practitioners, greedy insurance companies, and a whole spectrum of other people who’s entire job is to undermine your claims and help your employer avoid paying you as much money as possible, going so far as to even insist you’re not being honest about your injuries and finding ways to keep benefits you need just beyond your reach. It can be so bad, in fact, that you might find yourself thinking about settling just to avoid the hassle, but even that can leave you with more questions.

What Are Michigan Workers’ Comp Settlement Rates Based On?

Although compensation for your personal pain and suffering cannot be included in your workers’ compensation settlement, your insurance company will need to take into account all of your current and future lost income, necessary medical procedures and treatments, and any required vocational rehabilitation you might need to help your return to the workforce if able. Once everything is added together, that figure will be your approximate settlement amount. Of course, every injured worker is different, which means every workers’ compensation settlement is going to be as unique as the case in question.

How Much Is The Average Workers’ Comp Settlement Amount?

There is an average settlement amount injured workers can expect to receive. According to figures published by the Workers’ Disability Compensation Agency, the average workers’ compensation settlement amount in Michigan for 2020 was $59,235.42, which may not seem like a lot when you consider how far those funds are meant to go. Then again, when you think about all the frustrations of fighting for basic benefits month to month, a tax-free settlement that can be used on anything you need doesn’t sound so bad.

Increase Your Chances Of A Hefty Settlement With Aiello Law Group!

Your absolute best bet for guaranteeing that you’re awarded every workers’ compensation financial benefit and assistance you’re entitled to, whether you’re seeking continuous benefits, or a settlement, is to entrust your claims to our competent workers’ compensation attorneys at Aiello Law Group. Our attorneys are not only fully versed in workers’ compensation law in Michigan, we also know all the tricks your insurance company will likely try and use to take advantage of your already aggravating situation, which means we can fight for what you deserve like no one else will! Call us, today, at 313.964.4900 or fill out the form in the sidebar or on our contact page, and learn more about how we can help you.