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COVID-19 and Disability: How An Attorney Can Improve Your Odds of Winning Benefits

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COVID-19 and Disability: How An Attorney Can Improve Your Odds of Winning Benefits

For those actively seeking disability benefits, approval is really the only thing that matters. The problem is, as hard as it was before to get through the intricate process without a rejection, it’s even harder now that COVID-19 has shut down so many Social Security Administration (SSA) offices and made it harder for patients with serious conditions to get in touch with benefits advisors. The good news is, there’s still a surefire way to improve your odds of being awarded the benefits you’re entitled to, and that’s leaving it up to our Social Security disability attorneys at Aiello Law Group!

How COVID-19 Has Impacted The SSA

As a whole organization, the SSA is responsible for helping provide for the basic needs of individuals who have suffered great illnesses, disabilities, and hardships. However, there has to be balance. During a global pandemic, the SSA had to make tough decisions for the safety and health of its own hardworking employees, which unfortunately has greatly impacted their operations.

More than 1,200 field offices have temporarily shuttered. It’s been harder for applicants to collect necessary documentation from their medical care specialists. Evidence has shown new benefit awards have gone down almost 30% due to already existing backlogging on top of increased submissions for requested assistance, making situations worse for people who were waiting for help even before the pandemic. Plus, with most hearings and meetings being conducted remotely, judges making decisions on behalf of applicants aren’t even able to meet and get a good look at the people who’s fates are hanging in the balance.

Make Sure You Have An Attorney

Having a loyal attorney to help you through your benefits approval process has always been the go-to move for ensuring the best outcome, but COVID-19 has made it almost a necessity. Luckily though, it’s still just as easy, and cost-effective, as it’s always been. In spite of the pandemic, our Social Security disability attorneys at Aiello Law Group can help you with:

  • Preparing and filing your application, including making sure it contains all required documentation to guarantee you receive the most support
  • Filing any appeals if you get denied
  • Gathering evidence and information about your condition, care providers, and treatments to verify your claims
  • Getting through any official phone or virtual hearings

For even more information on precisely how our flexible Social Security disability attorneys at Aiello Law Group can help improve your odds of winning benefits during the current COVID-19 crisis, please, get in touch with us today! Call us, today, at 313.964.4900 or fill out the form in the sidebar or on our contact page, and learn more about how we can help you.